분류 전체보기 372

Excel Export in Spring MVC. 자바 스프링에서 엑셀저장 엑셀다운로드

Excel Export in Spring MVCExport as excel is one of the most wanted feature in an enterprise application. In this tutorial let us learn about export as excel feature using Spring MVC framework. If you are a beginner, go through the Spring MVC tutorial before taking this. We will be using Spring 3 annotation based approach for the web application.If you have learned Spring MVC, there is not much ..

자바(JAVA) 형 변환(String to Date, Date to String)

자바(JAVA) 형 변환(String to Date, Date to String) String to Date String from = "2013-04-08 10:10:10";SimpleDateFormat transFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");Date to = transFormat.parse(from); Date to String Date from = new Date();SimpleDateFormat transFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");String to = transFormat.format(from); source.> http://nota.tistory.com/50

JAVA - 한글 인코딩 변환 체크 한방에 끝내기

1번 방법 JAVA - 한글 인코딩 변환 체크 한방에 끝내기 String word = "무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다.";System.out.println("utf-8 -> euc-kr : " + new String(word.getBytes("utf-8"), "euc-kr"));System.out.println("utf-8 -> ksc5601 : " + new String(word.getBytes("utf-8"), "ksc5601"));System.out.println("utf-8 -> x-windows-949 : " + new String(word.getBytes("utf-8"), "x-windows-949"));System.out.println("utf-8 -> iso-8859-1 : " + new Stri..